Saturday, April 13, 2013


On March 14, 2013 we received Henry's discharge papers. We knew the day before that the following morning in rounds they would give us the all clear but we didn't tell anyone but a few family members because if I learned anything in the NICU it's that you take it a day at a time and I didn't want to tell the world we were coming home until Henry was buckled into his car seat. 

Rounds always started around 7:30 in the NICU and I wanted to be there for Henry's last rounds and I am so glad I was. If you have never experienced rounds before -- it's something. There can be up to 12 doctors and therapist that come around with their computers on stands and review each baby. Though out our stay in the NICU we called them the "MD Calvary" because that's exactly what it looked like. The resident "presents" Henry to the attending doctors and they talk over every single aspect of his case, his condition, his recovery right down to his big brother's name. Thinking about Henry's last rounds still brings tears to my eyes. Hearing "If there are no other questions then Henry Hinson is cleared for discharge and is to be released this morning to his mom and dad... ladies and gentleman of the G-pod, Henry Hinson is going home!" Then anyone that was within ear shot clapped and I of course cried.

Henry had never been off the monitors, had never been more then a few feet from a trained nurse or doctor, God love him the boy had never even worn pants before and now, just like that, we were taking him home. It seemed so surreal to watch the elevators doors close and realize that Henry was with me in the elevator wire free and buckled in a car seat. The first major chapter of Henry's story was ending and it was a wee bit terrifying to think I had never spent a full 24 hours with this little guy and we were about to dive head first into a life of 2 am feedings, endless diaper changes, life with two kids, and he would be free of monitors, nurses, doctors.

We were headed south on I-71 roughly 80 miles to the land of a new normal.

After an hour and a half in the car we pulled into our drive way the sun seeemed to be shinning so brightly that day. Oliver had been napping so when we got home I was able to go into his room and wake him up. His little first was full of excitement and a little confusion because I had been gone for 5 weeks, so who knows what he was actually thinking when he saw me.  Oliver wasn't able to see anything more than pictures of Henry so we had no idea how he would react. I don't even have the words to describe their first meeting -- just joy. Watching Oliver meet Henry for the first time is a moment that I will spend an eternity praising the Lord for.

I am so thankful that my mother-in-law and that my very talented friend Whitney of Whitney Knutson Photography were there to capture the moment on video and amazing pictures so that the boys will have that moment forever.

Welcome home, Henry.  (YouTube Video)



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