Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Circus Train

When we moved into our home I wasn't sure how I would like having a double train track just behind the privacy fence. For the most part you get so used to the trains that sometimes you don't even realize they are there and I haven't had a train wake me up in the night for a good 6 months. But this week having train tracks in our backyard became cool for all of about 15 minutes as Oliver and I stood outside and literally watched the circus come to town.

I feel like seeing the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus Train in your backyard is a once in a lifetime thing so I did what any mother would do -- I woke Oliver up from his nap (I paid for it later) but we watched, and waved and we talked about Elephants and the "animal train" for the rest of the day.


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